Yijing Vol One, Errata

July, 2016

09.6 - Printed Text

On Page 49 of volume 1 : 64² is 4096, not 4092


v1, p. 267, 35.5 not to be

v1, p. 5, bottom - alongside

v1, p. 8, p. 2 - as to as to

v1, 17x - justify commentary text


v1, p. 148, 15, Notes, 15.6 should be 15.5


v1, p. 323, 45.X, commentary, along their way to the sea.


v1, p. 130 hu gua (nuclear): 53, Jian, Gradual Progress

v1, p. 292 hu gua (nuclear): 64, Wei Ji, Not Yet Complete

v1, p. 350 Should be: He offers up an unheard of proposal and suddenly nobody's laughing. 


v1. p. 299, 41.0, commentary:

It has to be worth something to not suffer the ups and downs.

v1, p. 183, 21.6. commentary: 

as bad as the one who makes the bad laws.  

Another offense and someone


v. 1, p. 358, Qabalah: Hod in Atziluth


v. 1, p. 448, Ban Xiang, or Half-Images


v. 1, p. 13, 3rd paragraph, agree that many