
Bradford Hatcher
PO Box 613                            
Nucla, CO, 81424
(970) 864-7530


June, 2006 to 2008 (retired). Self-employed in Nucla, Colorado, primarily doing residential design and land use planning, but including a few commercial design projects. I am semi-retired here and only need to work a few days a month. I've designed about six homes in six this-year period, which coincides with the economic crash in the housing sector. I currently consult for Fortenberry Construction, of Telluride, where I assist with the bidding and construction estimating process for very high-end custom homes. This also entails finding and correcting errors in the various architectural firms' plans and specifications for these projects and, without exception, this has always been a significant undertaking. I acted as project manager for the Nucla Public Library expansion, involving design, estimating and purchasing of materials and hiring and firing of sub-contractors. Since 2010 I have been part-time Building Inspector for the Town of Naturita. I have also done a small amount of grant writing here, but nothing in excess of $10,000. Over the winter of 2012-2013 I developed a master plan for a near-total reconstruction of the Southwest Open School in Cortez, Colorado. This is a charter high school for 170 students. We developed the concept with the character of a small village of about fourteen residential-scale structures rather than a large monolithic structure. In the process we reduced the overall budget from 10.5 million to 4 million for the same amount of useable square footage. The students, faculty and staff were all involved in developing the plan.

1990-June, 2006 Self-employed in Ridgway, Colorado, primarily doing residential design and land use planning. I also did a number of commercial design projects, which simply requires that I contract a licensed architect and/or professional engineer on an hourly basis to check and stamp my work and provide the needed liability insurance. This check-and-stamp process is a lot more affordable than having the architect or engineer do all of the design from the start, and a lot more palatable to architects and engineers now that we have a buyer's market for their services. My best client was another planner-designer, Jim Burleigh, in Telluride, Colorado, for whom I would sub-contract whole planning and design projects and assist him on his own projects with engineering, mathematics and technical expertise. I had primary responsibility for the design of at least 20 homes and a few planned unit developments. A summary of my developed land use planning skill set is provided at the end of this History. I worked only very part time from 1990-2006, while devoting an additional 40 hours a week to the independent scholarly pursuits presented on my web site.

 1991-1992 Assistant Planner in a consultant position for "Lawson Hill", designing a new community near Telluride, zoned for a population of 900 on 650 acres. This is now built and inhabited and serves as the region's primary affordable housing development. The job ended with Final Planned Unit Development approval from San Miguel County.

 1987-1990 Assistant Planner in a consultant position for "Mesa Z, Incorporated", designing a new community zoned for a population of 2000 on 1200 acres. This was to be a futuristic community modeling state of the art approaches to sustainable design. It may have been a little too far ahead of its time. The project died for lack of investment. I learned a lot during this period, however, particularly in working closely with the Rocky Mountain Institute, and as a project manager in assembling a complete and successful application for a small hydropower facility under FERC review.

 1980-1987 Self-employed in Telluride, Colorado, doing business as Kephra Graphics. This was a one-man office, occasionally using contract drafting. I did planning, design and consulting, with a color commercial darkroom and blueprinting service on the side.  Projects; a) An 80 unit hotel with restaurant, employee housing, parking structure, a beergarten, and reconstruction of a famous 1800's brewery. Not built. b) Full design responsibility for 23 single family homes (eighteen built). Ten of these had budgets $250k and up, two were over $500k.  Nine were very extensive historic renovations. c) Full design responsibility for 30 multifamily units (only two projects, 16 units, built).  These were all affordable construction rental units. d) Full planning responsibility for four PUD's totaling 128 units. Typical range of planning skills. e) Two large commercial remodels, designed with an engineers' backup. f) A six map ink-on-mylar series for the Town of Telluride and the County of San Miguel; ownership, improvements, zoning, geologic hazards, topography, and regional planning. These became the official municipal and tax maps. g) Numerous flood and inundation studies, in conjunction with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and FEMA. h) Dozens of technical reports and impact statements,  Well over a hundred presentations of projects before boards and commissions.

 1978-1980 Assistant Planner for the Telluride Company, a ski area and real estate development corporation.  I received a wide range of land planning experience here, including road and lot layout, engineering for steep terrain, utility infrastructure, a few months of CAD, drafting of design guidelines, organization of photogrammetry, and recreational planning.  This last area included work with Trent Jones on a golf course, work on the Company ski area master plan, a municipal pool and a spa facility.  I assisted with three large projects, all underway, among them, Backman Village and the Mountain Village. One fourth of the work was for a major shareholder outside the company (Joe Zoline). The job ended with Preliminary Planned Unit Development approval from San Miguel County.

 1977-1978  Draftsman for Mahnke Engineering and Land Surveying, the San Miguel County Surveyor.  In addition to surveying and plat drafting (ink on mylar, etc.), I also did architectural working drawings for residential and commercial projects designed by one of the firm's associates.

 1969-1977 Much of this time I spent seeing the states and some of the world, adventuring and pursuing private projects in anthropology, theoretical psychology, philology and linguistics. I worked about half-time, gathering fairly extensive and varied experience in nearly all of the building trades, enough that I would feel fairly confident building most parts of a large and complex residence. I came to consider hands-on experience in the trades superior in most ways to schooling in architecture.

 1967-1969 Designer-Draftsman for Intercommunity Hospital, Covina, Calif. Here, at age eighteen, I had primary design responsibility for two medical centers and the major renovation of most departments of a 350 bed hospital facility. The Director of Physical Services would tell me what was needed and stamp my plans, little more.


 * Planning project management. I have served as assistant planner in a consulting capacity for four new communities with a combined population of 10,000 people. I prefer think-tank situations. My strongest abilities include scoping and organizing work to be done, database assembly, writing technical reports, delegating tasks, coordinating the assembly of submission requirements, performing any and all work not required to be done by a professional engineer, including much of the preliminary engineering itself. I am competent in algebra and trigonometry.

* Property boundary surveys, deed and title research, parcel assembly and coordinating surveyor’s work. I worked for a county surveyor and prepared more than seventy-five plats, replats, subdivision maps and condominium surveys for filing. I usually do my own topographic and property improvement surveys for architectural jobs.

* Autocad. I have limited experience here, maybe 600 hours, largely on Landcad and land use Autocad programs, inputting data in layers. I have almost no architectural Autocad experience. My biggest objection to early-stage planning on a computer is the diminished sense of scale and proportion, but beyond the preliminary plan stage I see the utility.

* Property mapping. I made a series of maps later adopted by the Town of Telluride and the San Miguel County Assessor’s Office. This included town-wide Ownership, Zoning, Topography, Improvements and Geologic Hazards. These were in ink and tape on mylar.

* Aerial photogrammetry. Setup of flight lines and control panels, mapping areas and final product criteria, contour intervals, scales, sheet layout, etc. This is an important phase of a project and can save a great deal cost down the road if done early and properly.

* Site slope analysis. This is especially useful on large projects of more than a thousand acres. I have done this with 5 projects, for over 12,000 acres.

* Drainage basin, flood volume and floodplain analysis. Many site drainage plans for both residences and subdivisions. I have published reports in hydrology and aquatic biology.

* Preliminary road layout and design, horizontal control, road designs compliant with local standards, including grades, intersections, widths, curve radii, cut and fill slope limits, retaining wall heights, grading easements, etc. About forty miles of these have been built and another forty miles have not. Most of this was in very challenging terrain in the San Juan Mountains. This included only four major state highway curb cut permits; two had to be handed to a professional engineer for check and stamp.

* Private road and driveway design, final plans, including vertical curves, field surveys and staking, superelevations, culvert sizing, curb and gutter details, etc, where a licensed engineer wasn’t required. About ten miles.

* Recreational trail design, normally following adopted standards. Have done equestrian, mountain bike, nordic, hiking, multi-use and handicap accessible trails. About 30 miles in all have been constructed from my designs, including those in the Mountain Village and Lawson Hill and portions of the Uncompahgre Riverway. Normally design included initial location, flagging, GPS locates and specification drawings.

* Utility plans and easements. Have laid out all types of utilities, including basic line sizing and easement definition, treatment facility layout, etc.

* Ski area design. I designed most of the ski-in-ski-out "lower intermediate" trail system for the Telluride Mountain Village, and did much of the drawing for the ski area’s master plan.

* Wetlands survey and delineation. Have done four of these by myself, which were subsequently approved by the Army Corps of Engineers. I've done about fifteen successful wetlands permits (Section 404 Clean Water Act) with impact statements and mitigation proposals.

* Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Permit. Assembled a 250 page permit application, coordinating all aspects of impact analysis and facility design for a 750 kw hydropower project.

* I have at least coordinated or supervised the performance of all of the following and then made the required maps: geologic hazards surveys, background radiation surveys, wildlife migration corridors, wildfire hazard analyses, site aspect analyses, vegetation type surveys, sub-surface groundwater topography, subsurface mineral topography, community disaster plan, airport and runway layout, large parking lots, performing arts and movie theaters, golf course layout, municipal park and swimming pool,


Graduated from Edgewood High School in 1967, a math-science major, valedictorian of a class of 368 students. I started college at Cal State Los Angeles while still in high school and continued after graduation at Cal Poly, Pomona, majoring in aerospace engineering and mathematics before switching to psychology and philosophy. At San Jose State I came within a semester of bachelor's degrees in psychology and philosophy. Most semesters I received straight As but it was college and I did a little goofing off. I took only one semester of architecture, under Richard Neutra at Cal Poly. From 1971 on I considered college the slowest way to learn and left to pursue private studies. I did return to audit classes in Buddhism at the University of Hawaii, and Cetology at UC Santa Cruz.


Anthropology, philology, neuro- and evolutionary psychology, ecology, cetology, political science, Chinese and Hermetic philosophy, photography, radio (former FM DJ), and white water rafting (retired).